segunda-feira, 10 de abril de 2017

Thought of the day, on religious extremism...

"Thought of the day, on religious extremism: In Israel, radical Jews (including Ultra-Orthodox) hold an extremist worldview based on the literal interpretation of an old book, the Torah. Such people want to ensure that their children will maintain their worldview. For that purpose, they "educate" their children in the writings of the old book, by having them attend special religious schools where kids must undergo daily up to 9 hours of religious teachings and at most 1 hour of secular teachings. In Israel, radical Jews oppress women and children to an extent that is considered unacceptable according to civilized Western values.
In Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and other Muslim countries, radical Muslims (including Taliban), also hold an extremist worldview based on the literal interpretation of an old book, the Quran. Such people also want to ensure that their children will maintain their worldview. For that purpose, they also “educate" their children in the writings of the old book, by having them attend special religious schools where kids must undergo daily up to 10 hours of religious teachings without any secular teachings at all. In Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and other Muslim countries, radical Muslims also oppress women and children to an extent that is considered unacceptable according to civilized Western values.
In the USA, radical Christians (including Evangelical Christians) hold an extremist worldview based on the literal interpretation of an old book, the Bible. Such people want to ensure that their children will maintain their worldview. For that purpose, they "educate" their children in the writings of the old book, by having them attend home schooling or special religious schools, even special universities, where kids must undergo daily several hours of religious teachings and where secular teachings have been altered to suit their religious worldview. Their ultimate goal is the control the legislative branch to enable a puritan theocracy to take root. In the USA, radical Christians oppress women and minorities to an extent that is considered unacceptable according to civilized Western values.
Religious extremists of any type, including radical Jews, radical Muslims, radical Christians and their financial and political sponsors - such as Saudi Arabian and American ultra-conservatives - are the true modern terrorists. They do not want future generations to appreciate the beauty of the Universe, of Humanity and of human diversity; they want to impose their radical worldview upon others either because (1) they consider themselves to be the "people chosen by their god" and thus empowered by such god to be unquestionably right, or (2) they are charlatans who want to manipulate whomever holds such beliefs to advance their power game. Furthermore, fanatic cynical hypocrites as they are, they want to impose their worldview upon others in the name of their respective god, a god modeled after their own fanaticism, intolerance, ignorance, envy and revenge delusions. Of course, any worldview of this type is totally incompatible with the core values of any modern democratic society.
We need to educate children in the beauty and value of the Universe, of Life, of Humanity and of cultural diversity. For those who consider religion to be an important factor in their lives, we need to understand and accept their attitudes to the exact extent that they respect our culture. They are always free to exercise whatever behavior they may prefer in their original countries, but they cannot be allowed to exercise them freely in our countries whenever doing so collides with our culture. This is the true meaning of multiculturalism: having diverse cultures share the basic values of mutual respect, personal freedom and democracy, living in peace and complementing each other. Anything else is not multiculturalism but human stupidity at best and social stupidity at worst. You see, Morality is not owned by any religion, as Morality vastly transcends religion. Morality is owned by Biology and thus by Humanity." by Jose Antonio Salcedo.

"Richard Dawkins made a couple of TV programmes called "The Root of All Evil". He asks leaders of Jewish, Muslim and (American) Christian Evangelicals why they deliberately lie to children e to a and feed them fairy stories instead of teaching them to think critically about the world. I went to a lecture he was giving at the University of Liverpool promoting the release of his book "The God Delusion" on which the documentaries are based. If you get the chance to see these videos - they're brilliantly put together, (and also not without humour!), do try to see them, if of course you have not already done so." by Tom McMaster.


segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2017


O nosso corpo precisa ter o pH ligeiramente alcalino, uma vez que a acidez é prejudicial à saúde.

Um corpo ácido é propício para o desenvolvimento de bactérias, leveduras e muitas doenças.

Para evitar essa situação, o próprio organismo se encarrega de retirar os minerais dos órgãos vitais e dos ossos para neutralizar o pH, tentando diminuir a acidez.

Portanto, nessas condições, podemos ficar carentes de cálcio, sódio, potássio e magnésio – problema que pode passar despercebido por muito tempo.

Felizmente, podemos contribuir com o bom funcionamento do corpo.

Basta evitar o consumo de alguns alimentos ácidos, como:

– Carne (principalmente em excesso)

– Laticínios

– Açúcar

Se o organismo ácido não for tratado a tempo, com certeza sofreremos alguns danos causados pela acidose (desequilíbrio do pH), como:

– Gengivas sensíveis e inflamadas

– Deficiência imunológica

– Ciática, lombalgia e rigidez do pescoço

– Problemas respiratórios , falta de ar e tosse

– Excesso de fungos (como cândida)

– Falta de disposição e fadiga crônica

– Danos cardiovasculares, má circulação sanguínea a redução de oxigênio

– Problemas cardíacos, arritmia, aumento da frequência cardíaca

– Ganho de peso, obesidade e diabetes

– Infecção na bexiga e nos rins

– Envelhecimento prematuro

– Náuseas, vômitos e diarreia

– Osteoporose, ossos frágeis e fraturas de quadril

– Dores de cabeça , sensação de confusão e sonolência

– Dor nas articulações, dores musculares e acúmulo de ácido láctico

– Alergias

– Problemas de pele

O pH normal para todos os fluidos do corpo é alcalino, exceto o do estômago.

Apesar de, como já dissemos, o organismo ser capaz de neutralizar a acidez do sangue, esta não é uma alternativa saudável, pois prejudica outros sistemas do corpo, levando a problemas graves.
Para saber como anda o seu pH sanguíneo, é importante entender que ele pode variar de 6,75 a 7,25, mantendo-se num estado saudável.

A melhor forma de equilibrar o pH do sangue é pela alimentação.

Mas não vá pensando que é possível reconhecer os alimentos alcalinos apenas pelo sabor.

O limão, por exemplo, embora muita gente pense que ele é ácido, quando o digerimos, torna-se alcalino.

Uma dica: o cálcio, o ferro, o magnésio, o potássio e o sódio são os principais minerais alcalinizantes.

Ou seja, os alimentos que são ricos nestes minerais são excelentes para a saúde.

No entanto, é bom saber que a maioria dos alimentos são compostos por minerais ácidos e alcalinos ao mesmo tempo – tudo o que precisamos saber é o que predomina mais.

Nosso corpo foi feito com limites, pensando-se no equilíbrio.

Então qualquer desequilíbrio é prejudicial.

E, assim, o excesso de alcalinidade também é muito ruim.

Como equilibrar o pH do sangue?

Siga estes passos:

1. Verifique o seu pH regularmente (existem exames para isso)

2. Se sua alimentação for muito acidificante, beba muita água (água alcalina quando possível)

3. Retire ou diminua o consumo de alimentos ácidos

4. Substitua, de vez em quando, um almoço tradicional por uma rica salada com folhas verdes, cebola e temperada com limão (não use vinagre comum)

5. Consuma folhas de acelga, alface, couve e aipo/salsão

6. Evite consumir alimentos processados

7. Evite refrigerante, açúcar e café – prefira beber chás.

8. Substitua o leites de vaca por leite de amêndoas ou de girassol

9. Adicione sucos verdes em sua dieta

A medicina natural acredita que o alimento que consumimos tem impacto direto sobre a nossa saúde.

Portanto, cuide-se!

* Nota: As informações e sugestões contidas neste artigo têm caráter meramente informativo. Elas não substituem o aconselhamento e acompanhamentos de médicos, nutricionistas, psicólogos, profissionais de educação física e outros especialistas.

quinta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2017

Twitter needs to Ban @realDonaldTrump

If @jack Dorsey (Twitter's CEO) was once banned from Twitter (, why not ban @realDonaldTrump, based on Twitter rules:
It's pretty clear that a Twitter user cannot:
- "make threats of violence or promote violence" - @realDonaldTrump has been doing that a lot;
- "incite or engage in the targeted abuse or harassment of others (factors that we may consider when evaluating abusive behavior include: if the reported behavior is one-sided or includes threats)" - @realDonaldTrump does that big time, including the target abuse and harassment of mexicans, australians, muslims, and so on...;
- "promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease" - @realDonaldTrump has done this how many times?;
- "Self-harm: You may encounter someone considering suicide or self harm on Twitter. When we receive reports that a person is threatening suicide or self harm, we may take a number of steps to assist them, such as reaching out to that person expressing our concern and the concern of other users on Twitter or providing resources such as contact information for our mental health partners." - It's time for Twitter to express concern about @realDonaldTrump, and provide contact information for their mental health partners.
Other people think the same:
Rest assured this is not a joke, I'm just concerned about what this user may do to the world, and to himself if he continues to use twitter like this.
And most of all, I'm worried that instead of using the "Tweet" button, he uses the "Nuke Them" button, because he's getting used to pressing the button...